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Dec 31, 2012 Update

I saw the oil in the air compressor was a little low, so today I changed the oil in the air compressor.  Had to run to Lowes to get some oil.  Then made another trip to Menards and Lowes to get some trouble lights – decided one was not enough!  I also worked on my welding helmet.  When I bought it, I added a magnifying lens which really messed with me when I was welding on the car since I was out of range for the lens…  So I took the lens out and that made it much better!  Tomorrow will be back to grinding down some welds and if time permits do some more welding!  Thanks for visiting and have a Happy New Year!

Aug 13, 2012

A friend had sent me this e-mail…  Thought I would share!

He used to go to all the public functions…especially the picture theaters. And always carried a Sugar Bag to collect empty bottles and cans.

His name was… Albert (Tapper) Torney. Everyone thought he was a bit eccentric and kids would tease and hassle him. But it was discovered he was very talented and only sold the empty bottles and some of the cans.

After he died in 1998 (aged 86) His large collection of Model Cars he made from the Aluminum Cans was discovered.

This goes to prove…”You Shouldn’t Judge A Book by its Cover”, or a Sculptor by his sugar bag.

Some of his collection —-


July 29th Update

I will now be working from home full-time so I have been busy moving my office and getting things set up this weekend!  Needless to say garage time had been minimal!  Hope to get out there a little bit today as I still need to cut up the metal tubing!

July 8th, 2012 Update

No updates – been busy with other projects.  Currently working on painting the shed (hope to be done next weekend), then need to seal the deck.  Been trying to get out to the garage to work on the Camaro as time permits, but any serious work is at least a couple of weeks away!

Apr 15th Update

Not much progress made on the car this weekend – had to work on some other ToDo’s!  I did decide to build a shed in the backyard to provide me with more storage!  More to come on that later.

NOTE: Wednesday April 18th the site will be down for maintenance between 9:00PM-midnight Central time.

Sunday – painting

This is the part I have that attaches to an engine hoist:

This is how I have it set up in my garage to paint:

After cleaning with a Wax & Tar remover, sanding, and re-cleaning…  today I put the first of two coats of primer.  Had an issue with my regulator and got a few runs that I now have to sand before adding the second coat of primer.  Those are broom handles they are standing on!