Remounted the opener. The board that was holding it cracked, so I used a 2×8 instead:
Last weekend, we got the rafters added along with some supporting boards:
Note in the above picture, there are some boards that needed to be trimmed that extended below the rafter. Here they are trimmed:
I still need to add rafter boards at the front and back of the front half before I can insulate and drywall. The front of the garage has some wires for the garage opener which needs to be re-located.
Think I have figured out my garage door closing problem. Towards the bottom when closing, the door sides from side-to-side and sometimes stops the opener. Well, my garage opening walls are not straight up and down, but the opener is – see pics:
I also measured the distance between the rails in the middle and bottom and they are off by at least an inch. So after dry-walling, I can work on the door as time permits. Might have to get some help with that! The goal for this next week is to get the ceiling insulated and dry-walled for the front half!