Received a couple vintage model kits (more toys on the way):
Still working on assembling the first one I started. Finding time has been difficult lately. I did order some Testers spray paint which I am still waiting on. I am also finding it difficult assembling some of the smaller engine components – I may have to wait until after my cataract surgery.
I believe I have all of the engine parts painted. Just need to glue the parts together. Waiting until my model tool kit arrives on Tuesday to use the tweezers since the parts are too small for my fat fingers. Once the engine is complete, I mount it to the subframe, so I started painting that along with the headers, tomorrow I will do the other side. Already went through the paint thinner included in the paint kit – glad I bought a couple more larger bottles of the stuff!
Now that I have the posting issue fixed, a couple more pics from the mini-build… Engine and all the small parts are almost complete – will post updated pics tomorrow. Just like the main Camaro build, having to buy tools as I go along: paint, thinner, glue, paint brushes, tweezer kit and I am sure there will be more…
Slow going… Figure out what color to paint (if any), then paint and let dry, then glue and let dry and repeat. Just doing a little each day.
Also making a list of to-do’s on the main Camaro project as time permits, but with work lately, this is what I have time for and it get’s me a nice break going out to the garage… The main goal for this summer will be the undercoating and start on the block sanding. It will be a couple more years before I start making large ticket purchasing – new furnace and water heater this year along with some new furniture… It is those unexpected expenses that throws things off schedule. Thinking I may bring the engine home after undercoating so I can start it more frequently.
Note: This is a few days old as an update temporarily broke my posting capabilities. Should be resolved now, so giving it another go and will post more updates if this posts without issues.
Started on the build now that I received the paint kit and glue. Painted the wheels and glued the block together. Will let things dry over night before continuing. Loki (my dog) came out to the garage to hang out with me. Little-by-little will spend more time out there now that he is old enough to be out there without getting into everything.
Side Note: Major design changes to the blog…. Taking a while to get used to the changes.