FedEx paid me a visit today! Delivered some ’73 Camaro rear bumper brackets and rear bumper pads:
The rubber pads go in the corner between the bumper and car:
As I understand it, they are for when you use a bumper jack on the car.
Made some progress today. Scuffed the transmission hump area:
Was also able to strip both the drivers and passenger wheel wells –
I will still need to touch-up a couple areas and clean with wax-n-grease remover. For the bottom (street side) of the floor, I still have the trunk and rear firewall (by rear seat) to do. Not sure if that will take another 1 or 2 weekends to do.
Wow! No updates for 3 months! You know it is bad when the guy that drives the big brown truck asks you about how the car is coming along when he brings more supplies! I got side-tracked this summer with some other things. I was hoping to have the bottom (street side) of the car, trunk, and firewall (engine side) done this summer. Now it looks like it will be next summer. I ended up replacing my indoor sauna (old one wasn’t repairable) and then bought a new bedroom set. Then I went to Colorado to visit family for a week. I also had company visit me for a while. I also worked on some landscaping projects, got an invisible fence installed and am training the dog for that. Had some damage due to lightening – currently working on getting my desktop back up and running again.
So I have done some work in between things and have obtained some new parts which I will bring you up-to-date-on. Yesterday I drove 600 miles 10 hours with a 30 minute break to get gas and parts – I obtained a OEM RS front header and valance and the remaining bumper brackets (correct for a 1973 RS). I believe this to have come from South Carolina before I got it. I now have all OEM (not re-manufactured) parts for the RS front nose… Should be all set as far as those parts go!
I have been working on the bottom of the floor and trunk. Using the dentfix for some, and a wire wheel for the rest. Because of all of the curves and contours of the floor, the parts I can’t access with the tools, I am manually scuffing with a scuff pad:
Bought a rebuilt steering column correct for a 1973 Camaro:
Also a re-furbished flapper for the A/C kick panel vent:
Also another NOS A/C actuator:
So that should bring you up-to-date. The plan now is to keep stripping the rest of the shell, do some body work, and next summer when it is warm again, finish the stripped metal with primer, paint, and undercoating although the car won’t yet be ready for final paint. I hope to get back at is next weekend – will wait and see!