Aug 13, 2012 Update

Done with the cutting unless I screw something up and need to re-cut something!  Next I can focus on drilling some holes with the new drill press!

Got some 6″ 2.5×2.5’s:

and a few 2×2’s, angle irons, plates, and misc pieces – I will post the guage and lengths as I start welding as a picture is worth a 1000 words (or so I hear!):

A few extra pieces:

About 150 Zinc plated nuts and bolts to use as set screws:

Also have a mess to clean up from all of my cutting – that dust went everywhere!  If I had it to do over again, I would use a band saw!:

Got the 2×2 plywood base on my drill press…  Need to go to Menards and get some cutting oil so I can start drilling!

Aug 13, 2012

A friend had sent me this e-mail…  Thought I would share!

He used to go to all the public functions…especially the picture theaters. And always carried a Sugar Bag to collect empty bottles and cans.

His name was… Albert (Tapper) Torney. Everyone thought he was a bit eccentric and kids would tease and hassle him. But it was discovered he was very talented and only sold the empty bottles and some of the cans.

After he died in 1998 (aged 86) His large collection of Model Cars he made from the Aluminum Cans was discovered.

This goes to prove…”You Shouldn’t Judge A Book by its Cover”, or a Sculptor by his sugar bag.

Some of his collection —-